Fine Tune Your Fitness with a Heart Rate Monitor

We’re focusing on the theme of Healthy Heart, Happy Heart this February at Color Chiropractic.  Your heart is an overlooked organ that we only pay attention to when we realize that we suffer from high blood pressure, are diagnosed with heart disease or suffer from a heart attack.  However, situations like COVID-19 are even showing that: heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathies, and possibly high blood pressure can make you more likely to get severely ill when contracting COVID.

One of the key functions of the heart is to circulate oxygen rich blood through the body.  One of the best tools to optimize the heart for healthy circulation is a heart rate monitor.  When used properly, a heart rate monitor can help you…

-condition the body to burn fat vs. accessing sugar for energy

-Increase circulation

-Control stress levels

-Fight off illness and much more 

How to use a Heart Rate Monitor

Dr. Phil Maffetone is a respected pioneer in the field of complementary medicine.  For decades, he has trained health care professionals and worked with top-notch athletes throughout the world.  When it comes to taking care of your cardiovascular health, we’ve taught Dr. Maffetone’s 180 formula for those interested in preventing injuries, optimizing aerobic function, and preventing disease.  Check out Dr. Maffetone’s full article and use the summary below for reference.

Calculating your Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF)

Subtract your age from 180, then modify from one of the categories below

-If you have or are recovering from a major illness, are in rehabilitation, taking regular medication, or are overtraining, subtract an additional 10.

➜If you are injured, have regressed, not improving in training, get ill often, have seasonal allergies/asthma, are overfat, or just starting your workouts, subtract an additional 5.

➜If you have been training consistently (at least 4x/week) for up to two years without any problems mentioned, no modification is necessary (use 180 minus your age as your MAF HR).

➜If you have been training for more than two years without any of the problems, improved competitively, and are without injury, add 5.

Using this formula during your workouts will ensure that your heart continues to circulate blood efficiently. Once you calculate your MAF, do not exceed this number if you want to build your aerobic base.  Keep your aerobic range within 10 beats of the number calculated. Following through will be foundational to a healthy life. 

Tip:  Use Dr. Maffeton’s MAF test to learn more refined ways to use the heart rate monitor to track your health.

Call our office for more information on events and tips we have for February.

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